Spokane Falls #076
Situated near the boarder of Idaho, Spokane boasts beautiful rivers, tributaries, and lakes alongside a bustling, modern city.
Mission: The Spokane Falls Chapter of Trout Unlimited advocates protecting, reconnecting, and sustaining the wild and native coldwater fisheries of the Inland Northwest Region.
Vision: To create a legacy, ensuring ecosystems that support robust populations of native and wild coldwater fish on the Spokane River and its tributaries.
Values: Create long-term positive relationships between the Spokane River, its users, stewards and the native fish that thrive in the Spokane, Columbia & Snake River systems.
President: Scott Noble
Vice President: Lindy Orozco
Secretary: Diane Ragan Smith
Treasurer: Jeannette Fennel
Board Members: Bruce Kinkead, Jule Schultz, Harvery Morrison, Liz Simpson
Advisory Board: Joshua Abel, Jerry White, Jr., Stewart Maxson, Otto Klein, Sean Visintainer
Get In Touch with Spokane Falls
Spokane Falls Chapter of Trout Unlimited
PO BOX 3952
Spokane, WA 99220
Alternative Engagement Groups
Spokane Women on the Fly
This inclusive group provides resources, education, and encouragement to connect anglers from all backgrounds!