"Pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off with you having tried.” — Tim O'Reilly
Advocacy is the public support of a particular cause, policy, recommendation, or proposal.
At Trout Unlimited, we believe in the importance of working collaboratively with local leaders to raise community awareness and take action in meeting conservation goals across the state. By communicating with our government representatives about trout, salmon, and waterways in their area and the challenges they are facing, we can not only gain their direct support for projects and research, but their help in paving the way for new, impactful policies.
Our grassroots chapters and volunteer leaders work alongside local tribal and government leaders to take action in restoring our creeks and rivers, as well as partnering with private land owners and volunteers from the community to make our goal of conservation a reality. When our members to use their voices to reach the Federal Government to let them know they will vote for candidates in favor of protecting our coldwater fish, these officials can take action and become more aware of the change their supports want to see.
Current Campaigns & Developing Stories in Washington
Curious about current policies and campaigns impacting our watersheds and fish protections? Check out the articles below to learn more about causes that could use your support! Also stop by our News page for the latest information and happenings in Washington.
Advocacy campaigns managed by Trout Unlimited at a national level can be accessed here.
A video from KING 5 reporting on the impacts of 6PPD Quinone on coho salmon and the cause of pre-spawn mortality.
Success Stories in Washington
Advocacy Projects & Events
Legislative Day
Every year, the WCTU council organizes a Legislative Day in Olympia, Washington alongside TU National staff to speak with our legislators about policies that would support the conservation of fish and their watersheds. We let them know that protecting and restoring our riparian areas is critical for not only salmon, but orcas, eagles, otters, and countless other species that depend on them. By visiting with them, we can share the great work our members do in their communities and the passion they have for angling and conservation. We ask them to speak up and advocate for funding needed to preserve and rehabilitate our precious rivers and streams.
Legislative Day 2023
Check out the great day we had in February! During our visit, we were able to meet with interested people from the community, members from our chapters, and our legislators to let them know how important fish and watershed protection policy is, not only to us, but our entire organization!
Suction Dredge Mining Reform
Suction Dredge Mining is the use of gas-powered engines to draw in rocks, gavel, and sediment from the beds of streams and rivers in an attempt to find gold. This practice has huge potential to harm fish, food chains, and water supplies by increasing the movement of sediment and heavy metals. Through careful research and by working alongside our legislators, our team has managed to make big changes to Suction Dredge Mining Policy in Washington state! Check out the articles below to learn more!