“Every little bit helps. It’s amazing how much you can do when you choose to give a little bit of that natural habitat back.” - Roxanne Paul
Photo Credit: TJ Westre
How YOU can be a part of the solution
With your help, we have the opportunity to continue succeeding in our efforts to protect our watersheds and the fish within them for generations to come. By taking action now, we can restore habitats, reconnect rivers to their floodplains, and create opportunities for conservationists and anglers of all ages to participate in the environmental stewardship needed in their communities. When you join Trout Unlimited, you are automatically added to the chapter closest to you, where opportunities to volunteer in various events, meetings, and other activities will become available to you. But, even if you don’t want to become a TU member, you can still help by following us on social media, signing petitions that advocate protecting our watersheds and fish, or making a donation! Whatever you decide to do, we appreciate you and hope to see you at one of our events in the future!
Every Contribution Helps!
While we would love to have you as a part of our membership, donations are extremely helpful, too! With your money, we will fund research, provide grants, and continue to build a better tomorrow for our communities and the fish we share them with! Donate today using Stripe or DonorBox!
Become one of our Members
By joining Trout Unlimited, you will automatically be added to your local chapter as well as receive a subscription to Trout Magazine, which details the latest news and happenings across the nation. With frequent giveaways, sweepstakes, and other opportunities for discounts on travel and fly fishing gear, this is a great way to launch a brand new hobby or to enhance one you have already been enjoying for years! We look forward to having you at our side, supporting the care and recovery of our streams and rivers!
Legacy Donations
Leaving behind the gift of continued support for the restoration and care of our watersheds for generations to come is a wonderful way to celebrate how fishing and being on the water impacted your life. If you would like to help sustain Washington TU’s mission to protect, restore, and reconnect habitats for our native fish, learn more about how to include us in your plans for the future: