"Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help, shall all be saved.” — Jane Goodall
Want to learn more about Washington watersheds, dams, or terminology? Check out our resources below!
Dams and Dam Removal
Washington state has been a focal point for efforts to remove dams that are impacting fish passage. From groundbreaking successes such as the Elwha River restoration to current efforts to remove the Lower Snake River Dams, the WCTU is involved in advocating and supporting removal of dams impacting native and will trout and salmon.
DRIP Data Dashboard - A unique dashboard that allows users to select dams across the United States and learn more about their function, status, and future.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
By increasing the diversity of our membership, allocating resources to promote equity, and providing open and welcoming environments for anglers and conservationists of all kinds, we hope to invite every person that we share our communities with to join us in our efforts. To learn more about DEI and the importance of bringing together all in the interest of our future, visit some of the following resources:
The Avarna Group- An organization that helps others reach diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice goals through educational material and consultation services.
Also consider checking out our DEI Program Page to learn about how we define diversity, equity, and inclusion and more about why it is important to our organization.