ESA Lawsuit Filed Against Tire Manufacturers’ Use of 6PPD Linked to Coho Mortality
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
The WCTU Advocacy Committee continues to follow developments aimed to control and prevent the discharge of 6PPD-quinone to streams in the Northwest. As discussed in prior posts, 6PPD-quinone (a transformation compound from 6PPD used in tires) has been linked to acute toxic mortality to pre-spawn adult coho salmon. Studies are also finding toxicity to brook trout and rainbow trout. Last week, Earthjustice, on behalf of several fishing groups, filed a lawsuit against the tire manufacturers alleging a violation of the Endangered Species Act. The lawsuit alleges that the manufacturing and distribution of tires containing 6PPD causes the “take” of ESA-protected coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead trout. It seeks to prohibit the tire industry from continuing to manufacture and distribute tires made with 6PPD. We will continue to monitor this lawsuit. An article in the Seattle Times provides a summary.